Dino Subašić

Samostojni novinar (RTV Slovenija, Euranet Plus, alumen medijskega programa Evropske komisije Y4R), voditelj in moderator (Moderating.eu). / Freelance journalist (RTV Slovenija, Euranet Plus, European Commission's Y4R media programme alumnus), host, and moderator (Moderating.eu). 

Prejemnik 2. nagrade na mednarodnem novinarskem tekmovanju EUSAIR Press Contest 2023 z reportažo iz Sarajeva za RTV Slovenija. / 2nd prize winner of the international press contest EUSAIR Press Contest 2023 with a reportage from Sarajevo for RTV Slovenija.


Vodenje pogovorne oddaje (Ne)varni: Digitalno odvisni na RTV Slovenija (februar 2024). / Hosting of the (Un)safe: Digitally addicted talk show on RTV Slovenija.

Eden izmed šestih najperspektivnejših evropskih novinarjev medijskega programa Evropske komisije Y4R 2020.  / One of six most aspiring journalists of European Commission's Media Programme Y4R 2020.

Del ekipe Moderating.eu. / A member of the Moderating.eu team.

Dogodka Citizens' Dialogue in Closing session z evropsko komisarko Eliso Ferreiro na 19. evropskem tednu regij in mest v Bruslju. / The Citizens' Dialogue and the Closing session events with European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira at the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities.

Ob evropskem letu mladih z Niklasom Nienaßom, nemškim poslancem Evropskega parlamenta iz vrst Evropske zelene stranke. / During the European Year of Youth with Niklas Nienaß, a German MEP from the Greens.

Z najmlajšo evropsko poslanko doslej, Kiro Marie Peter-Hansen, za Euranet Plus. / With the youngest Member of the European Parliament ever, Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, for Euranet Plus.

Europe is us! Mednarodni podkast vseevropske radijske mreže Euranet Plus, ki se med letom mladih 2022 osredotoča na mlade. / Europe is us! An international podcast focusing on youth during the European year of youth. By Euranet Plus.

Prispevek o Interreg projektu Misterion je v naboru 542 prijav izbran med 6 najboljših prispevkov evropskih novinarjev novinarskega programa Evropske komisije Youth4Regions.  / Coverage of an Interreg project Misterion was selected among 542 applications to be one of the 6 best reports of the European Commission's Youth4Regions Media Programme.